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Receive a complimentary two-month subscription when you opt for an annual plan!
$7 per 1000 msg credits/month
Your Total: $7.00 / month
$7 per 1 chatbots/month
Your Total: $7.00 / month
Allow users to escalate the chat from AI to human support within the chatbot
Monitor real-time user activity on your website and intervene when necessary
Includes unlimited email notifications
Replace the Chat Data branding with your branding
Includes custom domain for the embedding and iframe script (code free)
Custom sender email for sending notifications related to your chatbots.
Replace the Chat Data branding with your branding
Does not include custom domain for the embedding and iframe script
Does not include custom sender email.
Activate webhook and postMessage event delivery
Compatible with Triggers in Make and Zapier
Ideal for Entry plan subscribers and below
$10 per 10GB/month
Your Total: $10.00 / month
$10 per 5,000 pages/month
Your Total: $10.00 / month
Only successfully scraped pages will incur charges.
Indeed, when you register, you'll receive 40 message credits and access to one chatbot with a character limit of 400,000. These resources are at your disposal to evaluate Chat Data and determine its suitability for your needs.
Each AI response in GPT 4o mini costs 1 message credit, while using the custom-data-upload model and medical chat models costs 2 credits each. Opting for GPT 4 requires 10 message credits per response. You can switch between these models in the chatbot settings. The difference in credit consumption is because GPT 4 costs 15 times more in prompt tokens and 30 times more in completion tokens compared to GPT 4o mini.
The training characters serve the purpose of preventing abusive training of our chatbot, a practice that consumes our valuable computing resources. If the training character count remains positive, even as low as one, you will retain the ability to retrain the chatbot using its complete character limit. However, it's important to note that we will deduct the actual number of characters used during the training process, which is calculated based on the additional documents included in that training. Since we allocate double the chatbot's character limit for this process, you can retrain your chatbot to its full capacity a minimum of three times each month.
A single chatbot is defined as a chatbot that possesses unique data and can provide responses to inquiries related to that data, even if it was constructed using multiple documents. Each purchased chatbot, including subscriptions and add-ons, comes with 22,000,000 training characters, allowing you to retrain your chatbot in case of errors.
For private chatbots, only you have the privilege of accessing them. However, if you opt to make your chatbot public, anyone with the link will have the ability to engage with it.
Upon subscribing to the reseller plan, you have the ability to substitute the "Powered by Chat Data" text with "Powered by Your Company." Subsequently, utilize the API to engage with our backend for the creation and management of the chatbot. You can integrate the embedded chatbot script into your domain using the provided JavaScript code furnished by us.
Both message credits and training characters are refreshed at the beginning of each calendar month, irrespective of your subscription date. This means that if you subscribe on the 15th of April, your credits will be renewed on the 1st of May.
Your plan's benefits become active immediately upon subscription. However, please note that the refresh of message credits and training characters occurs on the 1st day of each month.
Upon uploading your document(s) to Chat Data, the platform will display the total character count for all the attached documents.
Certainly, you have the ability to upload multiple files to a single chatbot. Simply hold down the ctrl key (for Windows) or cmd key (for Mac) and select as many files as you desire.
For the free plan, you can provide up to 400,000 characters, which is approximately 5MB. If you're on the Entry, Standard, or Professional plan, you can allocate 11 million characters, equivalent to around 140MB.
Upon subscribing to the professional plan, you will receive an initial allocation of 40,000 message credits. Subsequent messages will be billed using your OpenAI API key, which can be added on your account page. This ensures that you receive the most cost-effective pricing per message once you surpass the initial allocation.
Your existing or previous subscription will remain active until the conclusion of its current subscription period. Please note that we are unable to offer prorated refunds as both message credits and training credits have already been allocated to your account.
We utilize CAPTCHA solvers and proxies to scrape each page multiple times until success. Each successfully scraped page consumes 1 scraping credit. Your scraping credits are automatically renewed at the start of each month.